The Lion King Jr opens this weekend featuring a huge cast and crew of 65 talented kids. The Lion King Jr will run from the 23rd of June to the 1st of July. Tickets are available at –
PRODUCTION PREVIEW: If you’re after a big helping of joy covered liberally in cute sauce, might I suggest you have a look at Madagascar Jr, The Musical, now playing at Goulburn West Public School Hall.
Our Musical Revue, ABOUT TIME, came within two days of opening but had to be postponed in line with best practice guidelines from the state and federal governments. Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company apologises to patrons who had bought tickets, as w...
If you had a time machine and could go back to any point in time… where would you go? Or should that be WHEN would you go? The two intrepid time-travelling narrators of the new musical revue “About Time” from the Rocky Hill Musical Theatr...
The makeup has barely been wiped off, the costumes collected and the stage cleared from the Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company’s hugely popular and successful production of Oliver, but the company is already gearing up for its next production. About...
Please sir, I want some more. That plaintive plea starts Oliver Twist on an adventure and a literal journey first told by Charles Dickens’ 180 years ago before becoming a much-loved musical some 120 years later. Oliver!, Lionel Bart’s musical retelli...
Consider yourself one of us, consider yourself part of the family. That’s a familiar refrain from the classic musical Oliver, based on Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist. The Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company’s (RHMTC) production...
Introducing our 2019/2020 committee. Thank you to our outgoing members, who are taking a well deserved rest, for all your hard work this past year and beyond, and congratulations to our newly elected committee. Interested in what goes on behind the s...
After a series of auditions across the weekend of July 27-28, the cast for the Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company’s production of Lionel Bart’s OLIVER has been announced. The production will begin it’s Goulburn run on November 22 at...
Hi all. Just to keep us all in touch between shows, we thought it might be an idea to start up semi-regular chats about one of our favourite topics… Musicals. To start the ball rolling, let’s look at favourite Musical villains. Do you hav...
The Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company is proud to announce its next production – Lionel Bart’s Oliver. Consider Yourself part of the family! One of the all time favourite Musicals, Oliver will be performed in November and December this year. An info...
If you have read the Snugglepot and Cuddlepie series, you will love the upcoming musical run by the Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company which is based on the books. The Snugglepot and Cuddlepie musical will run on March 8, 9, 15 a...
Based on the works of May Gibbs, ‘Snugglepot and Cuddlepie: The Musical’ brings the famous children’s book characters to life. The show begins as the beloved gumnut brothers set off on an adventure to see a human. They are joined on their ques...
Written by Chris Gordon, featuring the songs of Pat and Geoff Drummond, and starring Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company talent, Getting There has two final shows this weekend. It is a gutsy effort to write and deliver a local musi...
Chris Gordon said the idea for his new musical Getting There came to him as a “slow-boiled epiphany.” He used to be involved with the Goulburn Gilbert and Sullivan Society back in the 1990s and having been a long-time admirer of countr...
In a twist worthy of a Pat Drummond song, this month will see the staging of Getting There, a musical using Pat’s songs to tell a story of its own. The musical was written by Chris Gordon, a long time Pat Drummond fan. “I’m from Gou...
There’s a word in Afrikaans that describes how Ebrentia Brits is feeling at the moment. Angstig. According to Ebrentia, it describes a mix of nervousness and excitement. Ebrentia has taken on the role of Musical Director for the new musical Ge...
The Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company will be performing a brand new, home-grown musical, Getting There in August. An information information night about it is being held this Friday, February 2 from 7pm at the Essential Employment and Training buil...
The Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company have created a great production of the popular musical – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. What is so great about this musical is the catchy music and varied songs. They cross all styles from rock n...
The Cathedral of Saint Saviour’s had many more than the usual number of attendees on Saturday, October 21 for the performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat performed by the Rocky Hill Musical Company. Unusual also were t...
Popular musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat is the next production of the Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company. It opens on the evening of Thursday, October 19 in St Saviour’s Cathedral. Director Deb McConnell said it was one of her f...
I had the pleasure to catch a dress rehearsal for Villains and Vixens. I had never been in the old Marian Chapel before but I was captivated immediately by its beauty. What a lovely space – and then to fill that space with singing and music and...
Alex Ridley doesn’t describe herself as either a villain or a vixen, although she concedes that villainy, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. “It’s really a matter of perception,” she said. ““I can do one thing, or say one thing, and be a her...
Something Wicked this way comes. And not only something Wicked… also something Les Miserables… and something Chicago… not to mention something Jekyll and Hyde. Hot on the heels of their popular Seussical musical, the Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Compan...
Trinity Catholic College was packed on Thursday afternoon for the extravagant and captivating Seussical the Musical. About 300 students from Goulburn North Public, Tambelin Independent and Crescent schools and the House with No Steps filled up the Gr...
SEUSSICAL The Musical is a fun show for all the family, based off the books written by Dr Seuss. The show features favourite Dr Seuss characters including Horton The Elephant, The Cat in the Hat, The Whos from Whoville and The Grinch. Seussical The M...
THE newly formed Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company is planning to stage Seussical: The Musical in Goulburn later in the year. Seussical is based on the much-loved works of Dr Seuss, particularly the characters of Horton the Elephant and Gertrude McF...
THE Argyle Society will be performing their ‘last hurrah’, Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Trial by Jury’ on April 15 and 16 at the Goulburn Workers Club. This will then pave the way for the newly formed Rocky Hill Musical Theatre Company (RHMTC) to start in...
EVER since the demise of musical theatre groups in Goulburn about a decade ago, those who love this form of entertainment have been in mourning. But once again the hills will be ‘alive with the sound of music’ … well, Rocky Hill, anyway. ...